
A group of creative minds dedicated to creating the best apps and websites in the world.

Welcome to our Creative Mind Collective! We are a group of dedicated individuals committed to crafting world-class apps and websites. With passion and expertise, we bring your ideas to life, delivering exceptional digital experiences.

Join us on this journey of innovation and let's create something extraordinary together.


Our Vision

Our Vision: Igniting Possibilities. We envision a world where technology transforms lives, empowering individuals and businesses. Through innovation and collaboration, we strive to create impactful solutions that inspire, connect, and drive positive change. Join us as we shape the future together.


Our Mission

Our Mission: Transforming Possibilities. With cutting-edge solutions, we strive to transform possibilities into reality. By pushing boundaries and embracing innovation, we empower businesses to thrive in the digital age. Together, let's embark on a journey of growth, success, and endless opportunities.

Our Philosophy

Our Business Philosophy

about us Niwax


Leadership in Business: Guiding Success. Our seasoned leaders inspire and guide our team towards excellence. With a strategic vision and a focus on nurturing talent, we foster a culture of innovation, collaboration, and growth. Through our strong leadership, we drive the success of our business and empower others to achieve their full potential.


Team Collaboration

Team Collaboration: Powering Success Together. Our cohesive team works synergistically to achieve remarkable results. By fostering open communication, trust, and shared goals, we harness the collective intelligence and creativity of our members. Through effective collaboration, we deliver exceptional outcomes and exceed expectations. Join our team and experience the power of collaboration firsthand.

about us Niwax
about us Niwax

Transparency & Integrity

Transparency & Integrity: Our Core Values. We prioritize honesty and openness in all our interactions. With transparent processes and ethical practices, we build trust and foster long-term relationships. Our unwavering commitment to integrity ensures that we consistently deliver on our promises, earning the respect and loyalty of our clients.

We Are Awesome

Why Choose HitecDonkey


Reasearch and Analysis

Uncover Insights: Research & Analysis. Unlocking knowledge through meticulous research and analysis.


Negotiation and power

Unleash Your Negotiation Power. Elevate your skills and harness the power of influence to achieve optimal outcomes.


Creative and innovative solutions

Unleashing Creativity: Innovative Solutions. Embrace groundbreaking transformative solutions to shape a brighter future.


Trasparency and ease of work

Transparency Simplified: Streamlined Workflows. Experience communication for enhanced productivity and effortless collaboration

The Time Machine

A Timeline of Our Journey


The Company Born

From Dream to Reality: The Birth of Our Company. Embark on a journey of passion, dedication, and unwavering commitment as we bring our vision to life, delivering exceptional products and services that make a difference.

New Office2017

New Workspace

Welcome to Our New Workspace. Experience a dynamic environment designed to inspire creativity, collaboration, and productivity. Discover a fresh beginning in a space that fosters innovation and growth.

New Horizons2018

New Horizons

New Horizons: Our Journey in Time. Follow our timeline as we embark on a transformative journey, marked by milestones, achievements, and a relentless pursuit of excellence. Join us in shaping a future filled with limitless possibilities

Growing Teams2019

We are 2500 and growing

Our Evolution in Time. Witness the growth of our company through a captivating timeline that showcases the expansion of our talented teams. From humble beginnings to a flourishing workforce

Happy Clients2020

5K Happy Clients

Our Journey of Success. Explore our timeline highlighting the satisfaction of our valued clients throughout the years. From initial partnerships to long-lasting relationships

Niwax Niwax
Awards 2021

Academy Sward for Best Company

Our Timeline of Excellence. Celebrate our journey of accomplishments as we showcase the recognition and accolades we have earned over time. From industry honors to prestigious awards

Niwax Niwax
New Milestone2022

A New Milestone Achieved

From groundbreaking innovations to remarkable achievements, each milestone represents a stepping stone towards our vision of success.

Happy Clients2023

5K+ Happy Clients

our commitment to delivering exceptional solutions has earned us the trust and loyalty of an ever-growing client base..

Niwax Niwax